Monday, February 27, 2012

Big Question Thoughts

As I was reading 1984 and thinking about my big question "How does being under a totalitarian regime affect the actions and thoughts of the constituents", I have seen that fear is the biggest motivator for many of the decisions that Winston and Julia make. They have to hide their subversive actions from the government and anything they do that could be construed as anti-establishment must be done is the dark or in one of the few places in the world where there is no telescreen, such as the clearing where they first got a chance to talk alone. Even the room which they thought was safe turned out to be monitored and owned by the Thought Police. This just goes to show that in such a regime, you should always be afraid of even the most unsuspecting people and places. You never know when they might be watching.

1 comment:

  1. This post reminded me of No Technology Day. I participated in it a few years ago. I didn't use my cell phone or the Internet or anything for the whole day. It was hard, and a little boring because most things we do today are technology related, but I also felt really free without my phone. No one could call or text me to ask where I was or what I was doing, it was nice.
